Cholesterol Lowering Drugs Might Help Prevent Glaucoma

It should be no surprise that any lab made chemical we ingest for certain issues may affect our body’s additional functions as well. In their new blog post, Your Sight Matters explores a drug that is intended to lower cholesterol but also helps shield your body from possible glaucoma. They explain factors that may cause the disease, which group of people is most likely to develop the disease and certain symptoms that might indicate you already have it.

Key Takeaways:

  • Pharmaceuticals that lower cholesterol may help with other bodily functions such as vision
  • The disease glaucoma can develop within any individual but mostly affects those over the age of 45
  • To ensure proper eye health and early diagnosis, remember to visit your optometrist each year

“For decades, physicians have prescribed statins to patients with high LDL (bad cholesterol) who are at risk for cardiovascular disease”

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